[COMPLETED] The UN Joint Programme on Social Protection


UNDP Global





1 January 2020 - 31 December 2021


USD 2 000 000

Focus Area:

Target Group:

Social Protection

Children, low-income families, people with disabilities, older people without access to pensions, and young people not in education employment or training (NEET).


UNICEF Uzbekistan

ILO Decent Work Technical Team and Country Office in Moscow, Russia

Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan

and Others;


Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 5: Gender equality

Goal 10: Reducing Inequality

Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Project Document:


Project Summary:

The UN Joint Programme on Social Protection aimed to support the Government in building and delivering a high-quality social protection system that offers all citizens of Uzbekistan – in particular, those at risk of being left behind – income security and social support throughout their lives. Our mission is to harness the collective expertise and capacity of the UN family to overcome a key systemic barrier to achieving numerous SDGs: the fragmentation of social protection at institutional, policy and programme levels which results in ineffective leadership over significant component of government’s portfolio of programmes aimed at population’s welfare and in reduced impact of financial investments. Jointly with the Government and civil society, by piloting the introduction of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) in the assessment of disability and moving away from the current medical approach, the programme will enable greater access of persons with disabilities to social protection and promote their full inclusion into different aspects of social life.

The Joint Programme is implemented by three UN Agencies such as UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), International Labor Organization (ILO) and United Nation Development Programme (UNDP).

Expected Results:

The Joint Programme will provide a mix of capacity building, policy dialogue and technical assistance, aimed at building an integrated social protection system at institutional, policy and operational levels.

The programme will support the Government, civil society and other national partners in:

•Establishing a dedicated institution that will provide leadership and coordination to the social protection sector, as well as being responsible for overseeing the delivery of social protection schemes;

•Designing of an integrated and costed long term national social protection strategy built on evidence and developed through wide multi-stakeholder consultations and citizen engagement;

•Piloting the introduction of the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) in the assessment of disability and enabling greater access of persons with disabilities to social protection and promote their full inclusion into different aspects of social life.

Project Contact Information:                  

Mirfozil Khasanov
Task Manager on Social Protection and Disability Issues

E-mail: mirfozil.khasanov@undp.org 

Tel: (998 78) 120-34-50

4 Taras Shevchenko Street, Tashkent 100029

Publications, if any:


See more information about the project on the transparency portal.