Preparing the garden ahead of spring

February 17, 2020

UNDP Uzbekistan image

Second part was dedicated to the practice. Participants mastered the skills of pruning fruit trees, determining the state of the soil and measuring moisture. The usual white coating on the cherry turned out to be one of the malicious pests.  Because of the latter the tree stopped growing stopped and started to dry out. In parallel with the detection of pests and diseases, participants received information on combating them and instructions on the preparation of such simple prophylactic agents as Bordeaux mixture and lime-sulfur broths.

Particular stress was out onto the method of measuring soil moisture with a special  instrument, which made it possible to immediately determine how much watering is required. The participants also discussed new methods of trimming, there even was an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and to receive feedback.

During the seminar, the participants also discussed issues related climate change mitigation and the breakdown of a new garden in the light of the latter as well as the varieties of seedlings based on soil and climatic conditions.

UNDP activities in the field of modernization and intensive development of agriculture are carried out in accordance with the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan 2017-2021, as well as in the framework of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN member countries.


The project "Enhancing the Adaptation strengthening the resilience of farming to climate change risks in Ferghana Valley” implemented with the financial support of the Russian Federation.