UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region in Uzbekistan

UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea Region in Uzbekistan

July 23, 2019

UN Multi-Partner Human Security Trust Fund for the Aral Sea region in Uzbekistan (MPHSTF), under the aegis of the UN, will serve as a unique unified platform for international development cooperation and the mobilization of donor resources to implement integrated measures.

The Fund brings together the expertise of a diverse network of stakeholders, including international financial institutions and donor organizations, the Government of Uzbekistan, regional and local authorities, UN agencies, and community-based organizations. The MPHSTF will go beyond short-term fixes and will advance comprehensive solutions that are innovative, foster technology exchange through South-South cooperation, actively include the affected communities, and are preventive rather than reactive in their nature. Thus, the MPHSTF and its projects complement and continue the efforts of the Government aimed at solving the problems of the Aral Sea region by applying a programmatic approach that supports development cooperation in line with global best practices.