Gender aspects in running agricultural business and implementing adaptation measures in the northern regions of Karakalpakstan


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Gender aspects in running agricultural business and implementing adaptation measures in the northern regions of Karakalpakstan

September 30, 2021

Women and men contribute differently to the causes of climate change, are differently affected by climate change, respond differently to its impacts and, in the presence of choice prioritize different mitigation solutions and options to cope with the negative effects of climate change. These differences arise from the gender-differentiated relative powers, traditional roles and responsibilities at the household and community levels; differences in access to resources and information; and the ability to participate in discussions and decision-making at various levels.

The proposed publication sheds some light on peculiarities and conditions for women-led agricultural business in the northern regions of Karakalpakstan; knowledge and capacities of women to implement climate-resilient agricultural practices and technologies; the need to support gender equality in access to such practices.