Analysis of Results of Energy Monitoring over the Heating Season of 2014-2015 after Application of Energy-Efficient Measures and Renewable Energy in a Pilot Four-Room Rural House


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Analysis of Results of Energy Monitoring over the Heating Season of 2014-2015 after Application of Energy-Efficient Measures and Renewable Energy in a Pilot Four-Room Rural House

March 5, 2018

This publication summarizes the results of a comprehensive energy audit of a pilot house, and provides a comparative analysis of energy performance relative to an analogous typical design. Measured data from the whole heating season of 2014-15 indicate that the pilot house consumed 46 percent less energy than the typical house, with associated CO2 emissions reduction of more than 4 tonnes.  The publication concludes with a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis and recommendations based on several scenarios for enhancements to standard 3-room, 4-room, and 5-room rural house designs.