Termizda energiya samarador uylardagi qurilish qoidalari bo’yicha trening o’tkazildi

17-May, 2019

2019 yil 13 may kuni Surxondaryo viloyati Termiz shahrida Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti Taraqqiyot Dasturi va O’zbekiston Respublikasi Qurilish vazirligining Global Ekologik Jamg’arma tarafidan moliyalashtiriladigan "O‘zbekiston Respublikasining qishloq joylarda energiya samarador uy-joylar qurilishini rivojlantirishga ko‘maklashish" loyihasi doirasida "Binolarning energiya samaradorligi va asosiy dizayn tamoyillari sohasida qurilish qoidalari va qoidalari" mavzusida trening o'tkazildi.

During the event, more than 30 local specialists (developers of building codes, architects, designers, engineers, and constructors) represented design institutes (regional branches of Qishloq Qurilish Loyiha, etc.), architecture bureaus and relevant government agencies (regional branches of Qishloq Qurilish Invest, State Architectural and Construction Inspection etc.) were trained and raised their awareness about the revised energy-efficient and low-carbon building codes related to housing construction standards.

Moreover, the training was covered development of energy-efficient and low-carbon designs of affordable rural housing, on siting specifics of these houses in regions, and technical requirements for the installation of low-carbon equipment (solar photovoltaics and solar water heaters) in those residential housing. Such training held in Termez is the first event in the series of similar trainings to be conducted in the other pilot regions: Khorezm, Samarkand, Bukhara and Fergana.  Increased interest from the participants, shows the necessity to conduct such trainings on a regular basis.