ATLAS of socio-economic and environmental indicators in the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan

ATLAS of socio-economic and environmental indicators in the Aral Sea region of Uzbekistan

July 14, 2019

The Atlas has been developed on the basis of the socio-economic survey conducted in 2017 by the Institute for Social Research jointly with UNDP in 8 districtsof the Republic of Karakalpakstan within the UN Joint Programme* and provides an overview of socio-economic situation in the most affected districts by the AralSea disaster. The document reflects various aspects of the population well-being, including access to education, health, and municipal services, employmentsituation and environmental conditions. The data is structured and linked to conventional cartographic basis.

The Atlas provides information on the following human security indicators in the surveyed areas:

■ Environmental security

■ Economic security

■ Food security

■ Health security

■ Social security

Official statistics, results of the sociological survey and of focus group discussions among government and non-government institutions in eachtarget area have been used to develop the maps.

*“Building the resilience of communities affected by the Aral Sea disaster through the Multi-Partner Human Security Fund for the Aral Sea”.